Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Yes! I decided to make a new Tumblr Blog. I don't want my drawings got mixed up with my fangirl stuffs. Please check or maybe follow, if you want! Suggestion about the theme is also welcome too! For now, I don't have any nice idea about the url or even the blog name (yea, see, I'm not that creative maybe).
What I'll post there...? For now I jsut want to post my drawings. But I have a plan to post some DIY too. Well... Not really sure, let's see later.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Let the lantern go to nowhere,
Let the light illuminate the field,
Let the fireflies wander around,
Let the stars shine bright,
Let the falling star shows its luminous tail,

And see the lights.

Owh, holiday, yay! ^_^

I have soooo many projects right now, and I even don't really care about this art's concept... It's just something popped out in my mind. I got my pen tablet working fine for a while, then... It broke again. Uh, I need to repair or buy a new pen tablet...

That's it. . .)

Tool: Pen tablet, trackpad
Program: SAI, GIMP

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Whoa, this place is full of dust...
*cleans up*

Hey, I'm back! Finally, I passed the exams with good scores. Now I just need to wait either will I make it to the next level or not...

I currently preparing some things now... Just wait.

Stay safe!


Saturday, 30 May 2015

Just an update.

There's a chance I won't be post anything for few weeks or at least, less active here. Exams are invading me and I have to... Face it. I need to be focus. Probably this will lasts until mid of June.

Oh no... Something much horror than creepypasta(?) stories - Exams.

Stay safe! :)

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Final Result - Flowers!
It's near June! Yay! It means... My Mom's Birthday! Oh no. What should I give to her!? I don't know! I'm in panic!
Oh wait! I remember... A phone case! I also remember that my mom really want me to draw nature stuffs (instead of fandom stuffs that are scary in her opinion lol). I was inspired from @monsterbuaya's Instagram. So... Let's start.
As usual, here are the tools I used. You may change any of the tools with what do you want.
  • A Phone Casing, make sure that it is transparent, no color.
  • Your own handphone
  • Drawing tools
    • Pencil
    • Eraser
    • Drawing Pen
    • Copic
  • Cutter
  • Scissor
  • Paper

  1. Measure the paper. Cut you paper, so it will fit the casing. Don't forget to cut some holes for your handphone's camera, if your handphone has one.
  2. After cutting, start drawing anything you want for you casing. I always begin my drawing with sketching using my pencil, but it's all up to you. In this case, I drew a lot of flowers. Then, finish with your sketch, start to outlining it with drawing pen and color it.
  3. Open your phone case and slip the paper between the handphone and the casing.
Voila! Three simple steps and you're done with your new casing! :)

Bonus - Color Palette! Below is the basic colors I used. Please note that I use copic (sketch and ciao).

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